IMPORTANT: You're sending in separate device(s) for repair.

Service Estimate: $

payment upon completion of repair

    For your information

    The prices you see on this page are estimates based on the issues you've selected. Once we receive your device, a problem solver will diagnose your items and inform you of the true cost of the repairs needed. Our problem solver WILL NOT repair your item, until given a "go ahead" from you.

    After inspection, if your repair costs exceeds that of a same-type item we have in stock. We will offer you an exchange. If we determine that we cannot repair your item and the repair service is listed on our website, we will return the item to you free of charge.

    Additional costs

    If you send an item for repair that is not listed on our service offerings, there will be a $25 fee to cover the cost of returning the item to you.

    Should you decide not to proceed with a repair after receiving a quote or if the item is found to be fully functional with no issues, a $40 service fee will be charged to cover shipping and diagnostic costs.