Beats By Dre Solo 2 2.0 HD Wired Inner Internal Replacement Main Wire Wires - Parts

$ 0 USD
$ 17.89 USD

The wires on this listing will allow you to fix your Beats Solo HD and Beats Solo 2 wired headphones. The thickness of the wire is a total of 1MM in diameter and is cut to the proper length with tinned ends. The tape will be die-cut to fit your Solo 2 muffs perfectly. Solo HD headphones do not need ear pad tape. Order a single wire or wire with ear pad tape. 

Beats Repair Notes: 

This wire is needed if the right side of your Beat Solo is cutting in and out or if you have no sound in your right ear. This common flaw is easily fixed by replacing the primary wire on your Solo Beats headphones. This issue is commonly referred to as "right side not working." We typically see this issue in the Beats Solo 2 Wired and the Beats Solo HD headphones. 

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